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St. Mary's Primary School, Altinure

End of Year Mathletics Awards

26th Jun 2024

Vouchers were presented today to pupils who achieved the top 4 levels in Mathletics: Emerald, Diamond, Epic and Legend.

Emerald prize winners earned a free ice cream from the Vivo Shop, Park; Diamond prize winners earned a free milkshake from the Vivo Shop, Park; Epic prize winners earned a free Kid’s Meal from Burke’s Takeaway, Claudy and our Legend Prize winners earned a £5 note and a free ice cream from the Vivo Shop, Park.

Thanks to Vivo Park and Burke’s Takeaway for their support.

Fantastic work, boys and girls! Enjoy your treats!!

Well done to everyone who showed great dedication to Mathletics this year. We are very proud of you all! :)